Life Coaching program

Deshaming…what is it?

Have you ever felt like there is something WRONG with you? 

You are not alone.

In our journey through life, we often encounter the heavy burden of shame—a powerful emotion that tells us there’s something fundamentally wrong with who we are. It’s an emotion we instinctively run from, numb ourselves against, and avoid feeling at all costs. Shame is isolating, painful, and silencing. But what if we could find a way to break free from its grip?

M.O.V.E, a 4 month self-discovery group coaching program for women, offers a sanctuary where you can open up, express your truths, and share your emotions without fear of judgment or criticism.

During this program, I have witnessed the transformative power of deshaming.

What is Deshaming?

Deshaming is the process of shedding the layers of shame that keep us from embracing our true selves. It’s about recognizing that our worth isn’t tied to perfection, and our value isn’t diminished by our vulnerabilities.

Shame can hold us back in countless ways, affecting our self-esteem, our relationships, and our overall well-being.

If you’re ready to break free from the chains of shame and step into a life of authenticity and freedom, M.O.V.E is here for you.

Let’s celebrate our strengths, honour our vulnerabilities, and live unapologetically authentic lives.

The next M.O.V.E journey begins on the 15th of July. **only 2 spots available **

Client reviews for M.O.V.E –

“M.O.V.E is truly a life-changing experience. It did not solve all of my problems in four months; I am not a super model nor have I reached a higher astral plane, but what I have gained is worth so much more. I now believe, with Anna’s help, I have built a toolkit to survive and thrive on the next part of my journey. Most of all, instead of becoming who I thought I wanted to be, I have been given the gifts of self appreciation and presence. I can now enjoy every second with my young son, instead of over analysing everything. I no longer feel like I am living in the future, in fear of my past and I am very sensitive to times when my behaviour does not align to my goals and values”.

Anna’s M.O.V.E program was life changing, it has helped me identify my values and use them to make life decisions to feel more fulfilled. It’s also provided me with tools to navigate tough times and confidence to set boundaries. Anna’s support and guidance was amazing”.

“Anna is a powerhouse of knowledge and life experience, her passion and commitment to the M.O.V.E program is obvious in every single session and more. It was such an enjoyable experience and what I’ve taken away from the program will stick with me well into the future. I’m so grateful for the experience and all the little changes I’ve made are benefiting not just myself but my family too. Thank you Anna, your support is so appreciated. To anyone feeling lost or stuck mentally, physically and emotionally, that first phone call with Anna is a must, she’ll guide you in the right direction”. ❤️

Read more M.O.V.E reviews here.

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